Complementary colorsColors which, in combination, produce white light. Red and green, orange and blue, violet and yellow are complementary.
The color transmitted is always complementary to the one reflected.-- Brewster, Optics, xii.
Fundamental colorsThe seven colors of the spectrum: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. Or red, yellow, blue, also called primary or simple colors.
Secondary colors
Those which result from the mixture of two or more primary or simple colors, such as green, which is a blend of blue and yellow.
Flag colorsGreat Britain red, white, and blue.
Argentina blue and white.
Austria red, white, and red.
Belgium black, yellow, and red.
Bolivia red, yellow, and green.
Brazil green and yellow.
Bulgaria white, green, and red.
Chili white, blue, and red.
China yellow ochre.
Colombia yellow, blue, and red.
Costa Rica blue, white, red, white, and blue.
Cuba five horizontal stripes, blue and white.
Denmark red, with white cross.
Ecuador three horizontal stripes, yellow, blue, and red, the yellow being twice the width of the others.
France blue, white and red, vertical
Germany black, red and white (Imperial and Third Reich); black, red and gold (Republican).
Greece nine horizontal stripes, blue and white.
Guatemala blue, white and blue, vertical stripes.
Haiti blue and red.
Honduras blue, white, and blue, horizontal stripes.
Irish Free State orange, white and green.
Italy green, white, and red, vertical stripes.
Japan white, with red disk in center, from which spring sixteen red rays to edge.
Liberia eleven horizontal stripes, red and white.
Luxemburg red, white, and blue.
Morocco red.
Mexico green, white, and red, vertical stripes.
Monaco red and white, horizontal.
Netherlands red, white, and blue, horizontal stripes.
Nicaragua blue, white, and blue, horizontal stripes.
Norway red, with blue cross bordered with white.
Panama blue, white, red.
Paraguay red, white, blue, in horizontal stripes.
Peru red, white and red, vertical stripes.
Persia white, top edge green, bottom edge red.
Portugal blue and white.
Roumania blue, yellow, and red, vertical stripes.
Russia white, blue and red.
Salvador nine horizontal stripes, blue and white.
Serbia red, blue, and white.
Sweden blue, with yellow cross.
Switzerland red, with white cross.
Turkey white and red.
Uruguay nine horizontal stripes, blue and white.
United States stars on blue, white with red stripes.
Venezuela yellow, blue, and red, horizontal stripes.